Luigi Archetti & Bo Wiget
concert at Hechtplatz Theater, Zürich
(Foto: Caspar Urban Weber)
concert at Hechtplatz Theater, Zürich
(Foto: Caspar Urban Weber)
Luigi Archetti & Bo Wiget
Konzert: Hechtplatz Theater, Zürich
(Foto: Caspar Urban Weber)
Konzert: Hechtplatz Theater, Zürich
(Foto: Caspar Urban Weber)

Low Tide Digitals I
(Rune Grammofon/ ECM; RCD 2019) CD 2001
“This fusion of the mechanical and the organic is sensual,
thrilling and mysteriously moving.” (THE WIRE)
mixed by Jeroen Visser, mastered by Paul Lemp
(Rune Grammofon/ ECM; RCD 2019) CD 2001
“This fusion of the mechanical and the organic is sensual,
thrilling and mysteriously moving.” (THE WIRE)
mixed by Jeroen Visser, mastered by Paul Lemp

Low Tide Digitals II
(Rune Grammofon/ Cargo; RCD2046) CD 2005
“Archetti and Wiget are pursuing their own extremist
aesthetic, which I would compare to classic AMM. Play
loud. Or, then again, very quietly.” (THE WIRE)
mixed and mastered by Paul Lemp
(Rune Grammofon/ Cargo; RCD2046) CD 2005
“Archetti and Wiget are pursuing their own extremist
aesthetic, which I would compare to classic AMM. Play
loud. Or, then again, very quietly.” (THE WIRE)
mixed and mastered by Paul Lemp

Low Tide Digitals III
(Rune Grammofon/ Cargo; RCD2087) CD 2009
mixed and mastered by Paul Lemp
(Rune Grammofon/ Cargo; RCD2087) CD 2009
mixed and mastered by Paul Lemp
Luigi Archetti & Bo Wiget
Luigi Archetti (guitar and electronics) and Bo Wiget (cello and electronics) often use their instruments as a sound source for live electronic manipulations. They combine these experimental playing techniques with the conventional sound of their instruments. The boundary between sound and noise, between electronic and acoustic instrumental sound becomes blurred. Sound images are created, multi-layered, sonorous architectures.
The two musicians have been working together regularly in a wide variety of projects since 1994. Their work as a duo began in 1997, initially as an electro-acoustic composition collaboration, and the duo has been playing concerts since 2000. The CD Low Tide Digitals I- III was the only non-Scandinavian production to appear on the Norwegian label rune grammofon between 2001 and 2009.
Archetti and Wiget have been working on various video and performance projects since 2003. Their short films ‘I have seen you dancing better than this’ and ‘Best German Music Video’ were both awarded 2nd prize in the music video category at the Oberhausen Short Film Festival in 2007 and 2008. Her involvement in dance and theatre performances has brought her together with Meg Stuart, Boris Charmatz, Antonija Livingstone, Benoit Lachambre, Vera Mantero, Anders Paulin and Joachim Hamou, among others.
Performances at festivals and concert tours have taken the duo throughout Europe and to Japan.
Luigi Archetti (guitar and electronics) and Bo Wiget (cello and electronics) often use their instruments as a sound source for live electronic manipulations. They combine these experimental playing techniques with the conventional sound of their instruments. The boundary between sound and noise, between electronic and acoustic instrumental sound becomes blurred. Sound images are created, multi-layered, sonorous architectures.
The two musicians have been working together regularly in a wide variety of projects since 1994. Their work as a duo began in 1997, initially as an electro-acoustic composition collaboration, and the duo has been playing concerts since 2000. The CD Low Tide Digitals I- III was the only non-Scandinavian production to appear on the Norwegian label rune grammofon between 2001 and 2009.
Archetti and Wiget have been working on various video and performance projects since 2003. Their short films ‘I have seen you dancing better than this’ and ‘Best German Music Video’ were both awarded 2nd prize in the music video category at the Oberhausen Short Film Festival in 2007 and 2008. Her involvement in dance and theatre performances has brought her together with Meg Stuart, Boris Charmatz, Antonija Livingstone, Benoit Lachambre, Vera Mantero, Anders Paulin and Joachim Hamou, among others.
Performances at festivals and concert tours have taken the duo throughout Europe and to Japan.
Luigi Archetti & Bo Wiget
Luigi Archetti (Gitarre und Elektronik) und Bo Wiget (Cello und Elektronik) benützen ihre Instrumente oft als Klangquelle für live-elektronische Manipulationen. Diese experimentellen Spieltechniken verbinden sie mit dem herkömmlichem Klang ihrer Instrumente. Die Grenze zwischen Klang und Geräusch, zwischen elektronischem und akustischem Instrumentalklang verschwimmen. Klangbilder entstehen, vielschichtige, sonore Architekturen.
Die beiden Musiker arbeiten seit 1994 in unterschiedlichsten Projekten regelmäßig zusammen. Die Arbeit im Duo beginnt 1997, anfänglich als elektro-akustische Kompositions-Zusammenarbeit, seit 2000 spielt das Duo Konzerte. Als einzige nicht-skandinavische Produktion erscheinen CD Low Tide Digitals I- III zwischen 2001 und 2009 auf dem Norwegischen Label rune grammofon.
Seit 2003 beschäftigen sich Archetti und Wiget mit verschiedenen Video- und Performance-Projekten. Ihre Kurzfilme „I have seen you dancing better than this“ und „Bestes Deutsches Musikvideo“ wurden am Kurzfilmfestival Oberhausen 2007 und 2008 jeweils mit dem 2. Preis in der Sparte Musikvideo ausgezeichnet. Ihr Mitwirken an Tanz- und Theater-Performances brachte sie unter anderem zusammen mit Meg Stuart, Boris Charmatz, Antonija Livingstone, Benoit Lachambre, Vera Mantero, Anders Paulin, Joachim Hamou.
Auftritte an Festivals und Konzertereisen führen das Duo durch ganz Europa und nach Japan.
Die beiden Musiker arbeiten seit 1994 in unterschiedlichsten Projekten regelmäßig zusammen. Die Arbeit im Duo beginnt 1997, anfänglich als elektro-akustische Kompositions-Zusammenarbeit, seit 2000 spielt das Duo Konzerte. Als einzige nicht-skandinavische Produktion erscheinen CD Low Tide Digitals I- III zwischen 2001 und 2009 auf dem Norwegischen Label rune grammofon.
Seit 2003 beschäftigen sich Archetti und Wiget mit verschiedenen Video- und Performance-Projekten. Ihre Kurzfilme „I have seen you dancing better than this“ und „Bestes Deutsches Musikvideo“ wurden am Kurzfilmfestival Oberhausen 2007 und 2008 jeweils mit dem 2. Preis in der Sparte Musikvideo ausgezeichnet. Ihr Mitwirken an Tanz- und Theater-Performances brachte sie unter anderem zusammen mit Meg Stuart, Boris Charmatz, Antonija Livingstone, Benoit Lachambre, Vera Mantero, Anders Paulin, Joachim Hamou.
Auftritte an Festivals und Konzertereisen führen das Duo durch ganz Europa und nach Japan.